Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Latest and favourite photo

Ennis hugging Jack in a scene from Brokeback Mountain.

I haven't been this obsessed about a film for years.

Maybe it's because it resonates so strongly with my own, on-going case of unrequited love. Maybe it's because it's such a remarkable union of adept and minimal script-writing, luscious cinematography, superb acting and faultless direction.

Either way, Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain creeps into my thoughts on almost a daily basis, and most times that it does, it brings tears to my eyes when I recall key scenes or lines...

As Jake Gyllenhaal's character Jack Twist says in the film, "That old Brokeback got us good."

Here's a review of the film from one of my favourite bloggers, Towleroad.

If you haven't seen the film's trailer yet, go here.

And you can watch a copy of the Logo special about the film over here (Logo is the gay cable channel in the USA).

Proper posts will resume once I finish presenting Summer Breakfast, which as much as I'm loving it, is totally fucking with my life, my brain, my sleep pattern, and my schedule.

After this week I've only got two weeks to go, which as much as I'm enjoying the stint, is definitely a good thing. I almost stepped in front of a car the other day because I was half asleep, and little things like my ability to type and write are suffering too...


made in melbourne said...

Oh no, the only good thing in my mornings is leaving me!

I've been enjoying you keeping me company as I wake up in the car to work Richard... what will I do without you?

Thanks for the past few weeks, it's been great to have a reason to look forward to my drive to work.

Back to the iRiver and my 'morning music' mix.

richardwatts said...

Don't worry, Maintaining the Rage, I've still got two weeks left to go! Glad you've been enjoying the show, too; thanks for the kind words!

richardwatts said...

Thanks Cliff - its probably the several glasses of coke that I've already consumed before I first switch on the mic that makes me sound so together; either that or I just do a good job of masking my disorganised state!